Donate A Ticket

She’s All That is dedicated to helping girls realize their future potential. We inspire girls by allowing them to visualize themselves achieving things in life by first exposing them to other females that have accomplished great feats. Career exploration is cornerstone in a She’a All That event – from technology to entertainment we showcase 75 females that are ‘all that’. Coupled with a creative hands on activity of creating a take home scrapbook, this party with a purpose educates without being a standard presentation event. 

Key benefits your donated ticket will provide to a deserving young girl:

  • Learn about 75 African-American females
  • Explore future career opportunities
  • Create a keepsake scrapbook
  • Make new friends
  • A fun and memorable experience!


To donate a ticket, please select the Donate A Ticket link below. We will provide all donated tickets to deserving young girls that otherwise cannot afford the cost of the event. Note, this site will take you to Eventbrite to complete your ticket purchase. Thank you for your donation!